It's a whole New Year and although it is no longer the the first, my new years resolution list has not come to a halt . I don't neccessarily want to call my list of improvements "resolutions" , I'd refer to them as "improvements". Last year I told myself I would try to read more books and drink more water ( I also told myself I'd save more money instead of shopping all the time and well, you can guess how that went). This year my list is a tad more precise and longer.
1. Read at least ten books
- This is a challenge because not only am I a lazy book lover, but I'm really busy with school and work every single day.
2. Be Positive
- Last year my positivity meter went to a crazy low and I don't want that to happen again. I'm usually an optimist and happy even when my life is a drag ( which is has been the past year).
3. Learn to be alone
- I'm pretty good at taking care of myself, being by myself, and making sure I survive without much help. My problem is I depend on others for little things like helping me make decisions or going with me places. I can't make a decision on my own for my life. I become full of anxiety if I have to go somewhere by myself sometimes. I need to learn to just be, I'm 21 for goodness sake.
4. Yoga or such
- I am not Yoga master, but I have utilized Yoga OnDemand at home and love it. I've been on the hunt for a great Yoga place that might fit into my not always stable schedule. Yoga is known for its aid to health, relaxation and stress among other things & I need stress relief more than you'll ever know!
5. Follow Your heart
- This is not like the others, this one is a major life decision. I want to change my major from Nursing to something I've been contemplating for a long time. I don't want to really say because I have had this major epiphany at least 3 times each year in the past 3 years.
I'm unusually excited about this year and my ambition to just do ANYTHING! My list is not final and I will probably keep adding to it all year, which is completely fine.